Psychosis of the Corpse
March 10, 2025
Links I Like | What-Not | Torture | Phobia | Shortcuts | The Cube
I'm sure no one else will pick something so weird, so that's why I picked the title Psychosis of the Corpse. I know what you're thinking, this is just another punk-ass teenager site that promotes nothing. Well sir, I couldn't agree with you more! So enjoy.

I started this page a little over a year ago on February 10, 2001 around noon, and sorry for the wait, but this page is just loading some java/style scripts so the loading of my other pages will be faster, hopefully. Also sorry for the stupid pop-up ads, there shouldn't be any since I have the ads at the top of my page. But anyway, thanks for adding to my counter.

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Welcome to my website, friends, and the rest of you who thought this would be a good idea. This site has a few scripts, so have JavaScript enabled. Some of my pages are incomplete page so they'll be under for a while, there's a lot for me to write. I do have a little Game Page here, check it out if you're so inclined.

If anything in here might offend you particularly my What-Not page, simply leave, never return, think nothing of it, and tell all your friends! Thanks.
