- BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder, Go up one in the chain. You're in C:\Windows\Program Files,
- hit BACKSPACE, go up to C:\Windows, then C:\.
- ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button. (the button with the outline.)
- ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button.
- SPACEBAR: Toggles icon or button, selects or deselects checked box.
- TAB: Move forward to next box in a form, moves to next dialogue box everywhere else.
- F1: Help.
- F2: Rename object.
- F3: Find all files.
- F4: Selects the Go to A Different Folder box on the taskbar, and moves down the entries.
- F5: Refreshes the current window. Used to set a window size and icon placement.
- F6: Moves among panes, in Windows Explorer.
- F7: Spell Check.
- F8: N/A*
- F9: N/A*
- F10: Activates menu bar options.
- F11: N/A*
- F12: Save As.
- * I don't think one even exists.
- ALT + HYPHEN: Displays the CHILD window's System menu. (from the System menu, you can restore,
- move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window.)
- ALT + DOUBLE CLICK: Displays properties.
- ALT + DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box.
- ALT + ENTER: Open the properties sheet for the selected object.
- ALT + F4: Closes the current window, Quit program.
- ALT + F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program. (for example, when the Notepad
- Find dialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box
- and the main Notepad window.)
- ALT + SPACE: Displays the PARENT window's System menu. (from the System menu, you can restore,
- move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window.)
- ALT + SPACEBAR + N: Minimize window.
- ALT + SPACEBAR + R: Restore window to original size.
- ALT + SPACEBAR + X: Maximize window.
- ALT + TAB: Cycle through running programs in Taskbar. (views the task-switching window.)
- ALT + UNDERLINED LETTER IN MENU: Opens the corresponding menu.
- CTRL + ]: Increase font size.
- CTRL + [: Decrease font size.
- CTRL + A: Select all the items in the current window.
- CTRL + ALT + DELETE: Displays Close Program window.
- CTRL + ARROW: Jump to the next word. (left or right.)
- CTRL + B: Bold.
- CTRL + C: Copy.
- CTRL + END: End of document.
- CTRL + ESC: Opens Start button. (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10
- for a context menu.)
- CTRL + F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window.
- CTRL + G: Opens the Go To Folder tool. (in Windows 95's Windows Explorer only.)
- CTRL + HOME: Beginning of document.
- CTRL + I: Italics.
- CTRL + SPACE: Detoggles selected icon.
- CTRL + TAB / CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Move through the property tabs. Switch to the next child window of a
- Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program.
- CTRL + U: Underline.
- CTRL + V: Paste.
- CTRL + WINDOWS LOGO + F: Find computer.
- CTRL + WINDOWS LOGO + TAB: Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar,
- to the system tray.
- CTRL + X: Cut.
- CTRL + Z: Undo the last command.
- NUMERIC KEYPAD * : Expands everything under the current selection.
- NUMERIC KEYPAD +: Expands the current selection.
- NUMERIC KEYPAD - : Collapses the current selection.
- SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass
- the automatic-run feature.
- SHIFT + F10: Equivalent of right-click.
- SHIFT + DELETE: Deletes item immediately and permanently without removing to Recycle Bin.
- SHIFT + DOUBLE CLICK: Runs the alternate default command. (the second item on the menu.)
- SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands.
- SHIFT + TAB: Move backward to previous box in a form, moves to previous dialogue
- box everywhere else. (the backwards version of TAB.)
- SHIFT + CORNER X: Resize, move, and change anything in the program's box and it should stay that
- way everytime you re-open it.
- SHIFT + WINDOWS + M: Undo minimize all.
If you have a keyboard with a WINDOWS LOGO key, you have access to all kinds of shortcuts. Hold down the WINDOWS key with the following:
- WINDOWS: Toggles Start Menu.
- WINDOWS + BREAK: Shows System Properties dialog box.
- WINDOWS + CTRL + F: Find computer.
- WINDOWS + D: Minimize all open windows and show desktop.
- WINDOWS + E: Windows Explorer.
- WINDOWS + F: Find files or folders.
- WINDOWS + F1: Help.
- WINDOWS + M: Minimize all.
- WINDOWS + R: Opens the "Run" dialog box.
- WINDOWS + SHIFT + M: Undo minimize all.
- WINDOWS + TAB: Cycle through taskbar buttons.
To Copy a File:- Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder.
To Create a Shortcut:- Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.
- Hold down SHIFT when inserting a CD-ROM to skip auto-run.
- Double click the open window's TASKBAR to minimize or maximize that window.